Imagine if Godzilla came over to you and said:
"Hey there dude, I was wondering if you could help me out?"
"Go on..."
"Well, this is kind of embarassing, but whilst I was stomping the shit out of New York, I accidentally sat on the Empire State Building and got this huge spire stuck in my ass".
"Tell me about it. Anyway, I got the spire out, but as you can imagine, the high level of toxins in the city's ever corroding eco-system has caused the wound to become slightly infected".
"Get to the point Godzilla".
"Well I was just wondering if you would mind extracting the infection from my ass for me, please. Of course, the only way you could do it would be to suck it out".
And then three years down the line, your mate goes "Hey dude, remember that time you sucked Godzilla's ass?"
All I'd be able to say is, "Yeah, I remember. But you know what sucked more ass than when I sucked Godzilla's ass? That time Heath Ledger died. That sucked major ass".
But it got me thinking, as I walked past the national paper stand at Tesco, only to see Heath Ledger's face emblazoned across every page. It made me think, "Crap, a LOT of people are talking about Heath Ledger right now. If I died tomorrow, nobody would talk about me".
Or would they? How many people are talking about you...right now?
This all lead to me thinking "I wonder what would happen if I Googled myself"
So I did. And guess what? Turns out, people are talking about me. In a variety of languages in fact.
So my first search was pretty useless. I typed in Kyle Webster and I got 449,000 results. Naturally, I'm quite elated at this. 449,000 pages? Who do they think I am? Elvis Presley?
So I was pretty disheartened to find that roughly 448.400 of those pages actually referred to either Kyle Webster the illustrator, or Kyle Webster the business manager. Scarily enough, I'm moving my career into both those categories. I'd like to take this moment to raise my middle finger at the two aforementioned Kyle Webster's, and declare them, as of now, obsolete, for I can do both of their jobs, in one ruggedly handsome package. Go me.
Anyway, I narrowed down my search to simply this "kyle andrew chog zoo" and was simply delighted to find 683 webpages talking about us. What a quaint little number for a company with hardly any interest, and no website.
What was odd, however, was when I found a bunch of our videos linked to a website named, a site written entirely in what appears to be chinese, specialising in videos taken on a phone, videos taken of a phone, or just generally any kind of porn. As you can imagine, the site makes literally no sense, there's a bunch of flashing lights (standard with most Asian things), and you're just bombarded full on by the bizarre inner workings of a seedy online chinese community, complete with videos like this:
I mean honestly, what the hell is that? I have no idea, but I do know this:
4 days ago, I get annihilated by an array of messages on my Myspace by some girl from China. 4 messages in, I still don't know her real name (but I'm pretty sure 20 year old Chinese girls don't get named Shirley), and she's trying to get me to tell her my blood type! Yeah right! I don't even know it myself, so fat chance of me telling her!
One thing's for sure, she got deleted, lickety split. Methinks the Chinese are gearing up for a hostile take over of Chog Zoo. Who could blame them? We kick ass.
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