From an outsider's point of view, I can understand how that might sound a little bit... odd, but you'd have to hear his idea before you make any prior judgements. He actually makes it sound a lot less gay than you might think.
It made me wonder though. There's a great mysticism surrounding the Unicorn. Obviously, a lot of this is due to the fact that it doesn't exist (sorry kids). That might give it somewhat of a mythical advantage over, say, a duck, or a cow. But whereas the cow performs a function (it gives us milk, and in some cases, food), and thus earns its role in society, the unicorn, well, let's face it; It's just a horse with a dick on its head.
Look at this guy.
What a mess. Honestly, who came up with that? Can you imagine the implications of having something like that on your face? No wonder you don't exist mate. It's no good trying to put a hat on to hide it. That thing sticks out like a sword in somebody's face.
A unicorn would have never been able to survive in society. Can you picture the scene? It's a hot summer's day in Jonestown, Texas, 1875. A mysterious stranger rides into town from the West. The sun is setting, so all you can see is a silhouette, as the dust dances around him, disturbed by the slow majestic sweep of his mighty steed. The townsfolk look onward as he approaches slowly. He's menacing to behold. There's a new sheriff in this town, and his name is...
"Hang on a minute. Is it just me, or does your horse have a Cornetto on it's face?"
From therein the rider loses all respect in the community. Who knows, he may have even been shot there and then. Aside from all the smoke and mirrors that comes along with an animal as mystical as a unicorn, there's little anyone can say to try and quash the argument that it is just a horse with a nob on its head.
A horse is no more special than you, I, or the next human being, so I fail to see how sticking a fallic object on its face makes it magical. I see nobheads everyday. They're all over my TV.
You wouldn't catch me riding Amy Winehouse bareback to rescue the fair maiden over on Channel 4.
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