I had until now forgotten about an old website I had running in college, which was essentially a place to cure my boredom with some odd creativity.
Here is a sample of a page from a few years ago:
Queen's Telegrams
Have you ever wondered what the Queen says in her telegrams? - you know, those which commemorate the elderly surviving past 100 etc.... well, wonder no more, i have managed to intercept some of those mysterious letters.
Dear Extremely old member of the public.
Apparently I have to write to you because you're old or something. How stupid is this? I bet you're too far in the grave to be able to read! Your family and friends will be singing happy birthday to you and you'll wonder where the fuck you are!
I have inclu
ded a photo of you celebrating your next birthday. I hope you like it.

Anyway, I'm bored now, but just know this, dont be so smug, 107 means you dont have long left.
Yours sincerely,
Your royal highness: Queen Liz
P.S. You lucky bint.